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Interactive Bar

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Morecambe and Heysham

Grosvenor Park Primary School

Going Home

RECEPTION CHILDREN (Classes 1 and 2)

Reception children will be let out of their classroom door. Parents may wait under the veranda. Children will only be let out when a “recognised” adult is waiting – please be patient – this is to ensure the safety of every child.




All children are escorted into the infant playground by their teacher or teaching assistant. Children will be handed over to "recognised" adults; please be patient whilst this process is happening. We prefer all Key Stage One children to be collected personally as we believe it is unsafe to allow our younger children to leave school by themselves. Please write to us if you wish to set-up an alternative arrangement for your child.




Some parents will give permission for their child to walk home alone. Parents must be aware that children will be released alone each day once this permission is given. Class teachers maintain a list of children who are allowed to leave at the end of the day by themselves and those who are to be collected from the playground. Each junior class will be escorted to the junior playground by their teacher or teaching assistant. Children who are not to be collected will be allowed to leave; children who are collected will be handed over to parents.



Children may cycle to and from school with parental permission.

Bikes can be locked up on the racks outside the main entrance and left at your own risk. Children are respectfully reminded to walk their bikes in and out of the school grounds (this is for everyone’s safety!)




Please inform us if someone else is collecting your child. If we have not been informed, we will NOT let your child leave without first contacting you and getting permission. This is to ensure that all children are safe.


If you are likely to be late to collect your child, it is much appreciated if you would telephone the school to advise us. This way we can ensure your child is escorted to the main reception desk to wait for you to collect them. Children who are regularly collected late from school will be placed in our After School Club and parents will be charged accordingly.


As all teachers will be on the yard at the end of the day, this is an ideal time to pass on quick messages.


