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Morecambe and Heysham

Grosvenor Park Primary School

The School Day

Our School is open 7:45 am until 6pm every day, although the compulsory school day FOR ALL CHILDREN is from 8:40 am until 3:15 pm (a total of 32.55 hours per week).


7:45 am – 8:35 am ~ Breakfast Club


8:40 am – 3:15 pm ~ School Day


3:15 pm – 6pm ~ After School Club


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Outside doors are opened from 8:35am to allow the children a calm and relaxed start to their day. Playtimes and lunchtimes are scheduled for each class. 

Should you require an early drop-off, please make use of our Breakfast Club or Walking Bus service.


During morning playtime, Reception and Key Stage One children will be given a piece of fruit to enjoy during this break. The fruit is provided free of charge by the National Fruit Scheme.


At the end of each day, classes will be escorted into the yards by their class teachers and handed over to parents. Please ensure that you write or telephone to let us know if you have arranged for someone else to collect your child at the end of the day, as we will not let anyone, other than the “normal” person, collect without having your approval in advance.


School assemblies are held daily, with a special 'family' assembly on a Friday afternoon – we will let you know if your child is taking part so that you can come and watch.
