At Grosvenor Park Primary School we intend to deliver a high quality education to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding within Science. Throughout our Science curriculum, we intend for our children to be exposed to key scientific concepts in the areas of physics, chemistry and biology. We aim to teach specific subject knowledge, practical methods and approaches, in order to develop a knowledge of how applications of Science impact on our lives today and in the future.
We are committed to inspire children to want to learn more about natural phenomena and develop within them excitement and a curiosity that will enable them to appreciate and learn about the important role that Science plays in our lives. We aim to develop a sense of awe and wonder by enabling children to experience fun, practical investigative learning. It is our intention for children to be provided with the opportunities to follow different lines of enquiry which will develop the key skills of prediction, observation, recording, analysis, evaluation and conclusion. We aim for children to select and use appropriate equipment and acquire key scientific vocabulary to develop their knowledge and skills of the scientific world.
Underpinning all of this we aim to teach the Fundamental British Values (defined by our school) by developing:
- excitement and curiosity to enable children to answer scientific questions
- adaptable scientists who recognise that there are many ways to investigate, observe, predict, analyse and interpret findings
- active learners who embrace learning in the outdoor environment when developing their knowledge about natural phenomena and working scientifically skills
- co-operative individuals who are able to work collaboratively and are considerate of other people’s points of view
- resilient learners who are able to understand that investigations and research can take time and may need to be repeated to ensure accuracy in results.
- scientists who can express their ideas, findings and conclusions effectively taking into account evidence from their lines of enquiry.
- adventurous scientists who can take risks and attempt new things in order to find out about the natural world
- scientists who respect the contributions and theories of others and have a deep respect for the wider world.
Teachers should aim for around 2 hours to be timetabled across the week for KS1 and KS2.
IN EYFS, the foundations of science through ‘Understanding the world’ are built across the year and are both planned for and reactionary to children’s interests and their experiences. For a more detailed overview see the EYFS curriculum.
In KS1, lessons should consist of a weekly teaching input and follow-on activity which could take place in continuous provision.
In KS2 science should be a 2 hour lesson, where possible.
Long Term plans (outlining the full National Curriculum 2014 coverage) are organised as 2-year rolling programmes for each Milepost.