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Morecambe and Heysham

Grosvenor Park Primary School



In Mathematics this term, Year 3 and 4 will continue to be taught together. This term we will be continuing to consolidate and build on our knowledge of decimals. We will be learning formal methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will deepen our understanding of measures as we learn about length and perimeter. We will also explore fractions, time and money.


Throughout, we will continue to apply our Mathematical skills and understanding to real-life problems and reasoning challenges. 

Let us know where you use Maths in your every day life!


Practising your Maths skills at home is a great idea. Have a look at the useful links below to get you started on developing those skills.



Times Tables

It is incredibly important that you know and can recall your times tables in Year 4. If you haven't already got it, work hard and practise often to earn your Red Badge.


Times Tables

At the end of Year 4, all children need to be able to recall their times tables. We do lots of work in school on this, but it is something you will only get good at if you practise at home. I wonder if Class 7 can earn the first Red Badge this term?


Each child from Year 2 upwards has a Times Tables Rock Star login. Ask you class teacher if you need a reminder. Practise on here regularly in preparation for the class battles that will be scheduled!


There are some other links to times tables games that you can play and practise upon.

Hit the Button is a favourite of mine!

Another area that is sometimes tricky to grasp is time! If you could practise reading and telling the time, it would be really helpful in the classroom.

Calculations Policy

Here are our calculations policies. From here you can see how we build skills in adding, subtraction, multiplication and division. This may help you support learning at home.
