How do we involve children and parents and consult with them about their / their child’s education?
At Grosvenor Park, we ensure class teachers and other staff build positive relationships with parents and pupils in their class so that any concerns can be raised quickly and sensitively.
All parents/carers are encouraged to be involved in and contribute to their child’s education. This may be through informal meetings with the class teacher, attending parents evenings, open afternoon events, 'stay and play' sessions, helping with homework and meeting with the SENCO or other professionals.
When a child has SEND, parents/carers are encouraged to be regularly involved with the school. Where advice has been gained by outside agencies or there is a change in the provision, the school ensures this is shared with parents/carers. On the other hand, where concerns are raised by a parent/carer, the school will listen and act appropriately.
Teachers meet at least termly with the SENCO to assess provision and to forward plan for each child. At this stage, parents are informed of any updates to the child's Pupil Passport and asked to contribute their thoughts and feelings about how best to support their child. This is recorded on the child's Pupil Passport.
Children also contribute to their Pupil Passport termly this ensures that pupils communicate with adults what strategies they feel support them well. It is also a chance for children to celebrate the achievements they have made. These are recorded on the pupil passport.
Children are expected and encouraged to:
- be actively involved in their learning
- to work independently, where possible
- to contribute to their Pupil Passport
- to use resources and equipment to support their learning and access these independently where possible.
- to contribute and engage with their annual reviews for those children with EHCP's
- recognise achievements through meeting with TAs and teachers and to help plan their next steps.
- to communicate where possible what best supports their learning needs.
The school's 'SEN pathway' outlines the various stages where parents and carers will be informed of any concerns.