School Security
Although fulfilling a public function, schools are private places. The public has no automatic right of entry. Parents of enrolled pupils have an implied licence to come onto the school premises at certain stated times. Usually, parental access to school premises will be by appointment, or by invitation to a school event. Parents of pupils are usually allowed into the playground at the beginning and end of the school day.
There are various systems which ensure school security (and the safety of all).
External doors which are not overlooked by staff are locked in such a way that in an emergency everyone can evacuate the building (although they cannot be opened from the outside).
All visitors are requested to report to the school office by the main central door and must sign in and out. Callers on business are asked for identification and all visitors to the school are required to wear identification.
Parents are asked not to wander into school at the start and end of the day. School security and child safety is our top priority. Recent international events emphasise the need for us to control who is inside the building for the safety of our children and staff. Once children are escorted from the playground into the school, the building is locked.
If you arrive late for school, please use the buzzer system at the main door, but please allow your child to go to class by him/herself or with a member of staff. Should you wish to talk to a member of staff, please use the opportunity when teachers escort their classes outside at the end of the day. If the teacher is not there, please go to the foyer and someone will happily get them for you. Your understanding of this is greatly appreciated.