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Morecambe and Heysham

Grosvenor Park Primary School

Absence from School

Children’s attendance figures are regularly monitored by the school as well as by the Local Education Authority and OFSTED. All children are expected to maintain regular attendance at school of at least 95%. We keep parents regularly updated on their child’s attendance by regularly sending home registration certificates.


Any unusual absences may be investigated by the Local Education Authority (through the Pupil Attendance Support Team) on behalf of the school. Parents who fail to ensure their children attend school are risking prosecution (which could include payment of a fine or imprisonment).


It is important to keep us informed of any issues that are affecting your child’s attendance in school; we may be able to help.

Every School Day Counts

Children's education is incredibly important and since the COVID-19 pandemic, attendance figures across the country have fallen. The chart below explains the impact of any lost time in school; from both  missed days and missed minutes due to lateness. 


If your child is poorly, please telephone and let us know about their absence.  It is appreciated if telephone calls are made before 8:40 am. Normally, someone is available to take messages from around 8 o’clock or you may leave a message on the school’s “Absence line”. When your child returns to school, we will need a written letter confirming the absence. Just like in a workplace, an absence of more than a few days will require evidence of a doctor’s appointment.


If your child has not registered in class and we have not received a telephone call from you explaining their absence, we will attempt to make contact with you to enquire how they are. This is a necessary procedure in our Child Protection and Attendance policies.

Medical Appointments

Routine appointments with the doctor and dentist should, ideally, be made for after school. If you MUST schedule appointments during the school day it is most helpful for you to collect your child around their appointment times, so that the minimum amount of school is missed. In some circumstances, we may ask for evidence of the medical appointment for our records.


The school holiday pattern is sent home in good time for parents to book family holidays during school closures. A copy of the current holiday pattern is available from the school office and is also outlined regularly in the weekly newsletter; it is also available on the school’s website.


Parents are not permitted family holidays in term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Parents must complete a “Holiday Request Form” (available on our website) and get permission from the school before booking a holiday. Holiday requests are considered by a panel (the dates of the panel are outlined in the weekly newsletter).


Should you take your child out of school without permission, the Local Authority may act on behalf of the school to initiate legal sanctions against parents. We want to work in close partnership with our parents to ensure prosecution does not happen.

