How do we support children wiith their social and emotional needs?
We are an inclusive school; we welcome and celebrate diversity. Our staff team believe in building high quality, positive relationships with the children in order to develop high self-esteem.
The class teacher has overall responsibility for your child’s wellbeing whilst in school, and as such will be your first point of contact. The class teacher will liaise with the SENCo and our learning mentor for additional support with any pastoral care.
Our Learning Mentor, Mrs Stef Rigby, is highly trained with a wealth of experience. She works closely with parents and children to offer support. In school, Mrs Rigby supports children 1-1 or in small groups to develop social and emotional skills, as well as working alongside parents. Where there is a need, referrals are made to various charities, support groups or specialist teachers to gain more advice.
If you have any concerns about your child's wellbeing please contact the school for support and advice.