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Morecambe and Heysham

Grosvenor Park Primary School

Maths support


There are many ways to support your child's mathematical development at home. 



Supporting your child to rapidly recall key number facts in EYFS and KS1 will benefit your child's progress throughout school. 

For children in EYFS, Year 1 & Year 2, practice making and recalling pairs of numbers that make a given total, such as all the pairs of numbers that make 10, 8, 5 etc.


Children are expected to know their times table facts by the end of Year 4. Supporting your child in the recall of their times table facts is always beneficial.

For children in Years 2-6, practice times tables:

  • Year 2- 2, 5 & 10 times tables
  • Year 3 - 3, 4 & 8 times tables
  • Year 4 to 6 - All tables up to 12 X 12


Telling the time and recognising and using coins are other aspects of the curriculum which can be easily supported at home. 


Here are some activities you can try at home;

Playing games, especially card games, dice games, dominoes or games involving counting in any form, such as Monopoly, Ludo, Snakes & Ladders.


Games that support memory, such as memory matching games or "I went to the shops and I bought ..." can help to develop children's retention skills.





    Numberblocks help to develop your child's understanding of numbers and how numbers fit together. It is perfect for children in EYFS and MP1.

    Number Facts 

    This game is great for practising rapid recall of your number bonds and number facts.

    BBC Bitesize

    Provides short videos and activities covering the Maths curriculum for MP1, MP2 and MP3.

    Times Tables Rock Stars

    TTRS is a great way to practise and learn your times tables.

    Log in details should be stuck in your child's reading record. Ask your class teacher for your log in details if you have forgotten them.

    Teaching Tables

    This website contains some brilliant games to help teach and learn times tables. They are so good that we use them all the time in school! Unfortunately, if you like them you have to buy them (but the evaluation copies are free to use!)
