This term Year 3 an 4 will be reading and responding to The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!
As we dive into the novel, we'll be developing our tone and intonation, our inference skills and build upon our existing vocabulary.
We'll be using similes, a range of sentence structures and conjunctions to add interest and detail to our writing.
Later on in the unit, the children will write a non-chronological report on a KEY character from the novel!
Here are some websites to support your child's learning in English:
Reading is a massively important skill that enables us to access so much and learn new things.
Children need to practise this skill as much as they can and we expect children to read to an adult every night at home. Their daily reading needs to be recorded in their reading record and signed by parents. Reading records are checked every day.
There are so many wonderful books to read. Click on the lists below to find a new book to enjoy.
Learning to spell is hugely important as well. We will be learning different spelling rules throughout the year. Your child could achieve a shiny spelling badge for each list of spellings they learn to spell.
For further practise try these fun games.