How do we assess and review the progress that children make and how do we involve them and their parents?
Grosvenor Park believes that monitoring pupil progress is crucial in aiding a child’s development. Progress is a fundamental factor in determining the need for additional support.
If a child’s class teacher, in consultation with parents, concludes that a child may need further support to help their progress, the teacher should assess where the child is on the SEN pathway and where appropriate seek support from the SENCO.
When a child enters the SEN pathway, the child’s progress will be monitored to measure the impact which this is having upon the child’s learning. This monitoring may be weekly, half-termly or termly, depending on the child’s needs. This will be a collaborative approach between all adults working with the child, including parents, teachers, teaching assistants, the SENCO and any other agencies.
The majority of children on the SEN register are assessed using PIVATs. This document provides smaller steps for children to be assessed against. This is used alongside teacher judgement to assess progress and plan for next steps.
If a child is not responding effectively to intervention, ie if there is no change in their progress, the provision will be revised and new methods considered. The forms part of the schools graduated approach of 'Assess, plan, do and review'.