Reading is hugely important for our vocabulary, our writing skills and our ability to access and enjoy the wider curriculum. Where possible, you should be reading each night.
Take a look at some of the recommended books on this reading list, and make sure you let us know if you find anything good!
Year 5 Recommended Reads
Year 6 Recommended Reads
More information about these books can be found here:
100 books to read before you leave Year 6
Reading teaches you new things.
Reading helps you learn how to write correctly.
Reading entertains you.
Reading expands your vocabulary and imagination.
Reading is wonderful.
Its really important to practise your spellings and try to earn you spelling badges. Sometimes it is hard to know how to 'practise', so here are some ideas that you could try out!
In Spring 1, we will be looking at -cial and -tial words, ough words, words with silent letters and -ibly and -ably words as well as recapping some learnt in previous years. Practise makes perfects, so give these techniques a go!
Handwriting is really important for making us proud of our work and helping to remember spelling. Here is the handwriting policy in case you would like to do any practise at home.