At Grosvenor Park Primary School we intend to engage and inspire children to develop a love of music. It is our aim for all children to increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement by exploring the different genres and styles of music. Throughout our Music Curriculum, the children will be exposed to the rich and varied styles of music available, developing a critical ear. Our children will perform, listen to, compose, review and evaluate a range of music from a broad range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of great composers and musicians.
We are committed to motivating children to want to learn more about how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the interrelated dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure. Our aim is to create an environment where children are comfortable to explore their own musical style through improvisation and composition, investigating ways to record written music through signs, symbols and notation. Embedding musical vocabulary will enable children to talk about music with more confidence and accuracy and allow them to successfully adapt and improve their work according to different purposes and audiences.
Underpinning all of this we aim to teach the Fundamental British Values (defined by our school) by developing:
- adaptable musicians who are able to improvise and compose music creatively and expressively and perform, listen to and evaluate music with attention to detail.
- co-operative individuals who are able to create and compose music on their own and with others, whilst carefully considering the feedback from their peers.
- musicians who are expressive with their ideas, thoughts and feelings through the music that they perform.
- children’s abilities to be explorative and adventurous with the music they create whilst taking inspiration from how different musical styles have shaped people’s lives, cultures and beliefs.
- active learners who experiment with different instruments and playing styles and discuss their ideas with their peers in order to develop their musicality.
- resilient musicians who are confident to explore different ideas whilst improvising, composing and rehearsing in order to perform with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression.
- musicians who are respectful to the lives and cultures of significant musical composers and performers, appreciating and understanding how their work has influenced British culture and the wider world.
- curious musicians who constantly reflect on their own work and the work of others, listening with attention to detail and sharing their opinions, thoughts and ideas with their peers.
Each lesson has at least one of the skills outlined in the Music Skills Progression document which can be found on the school website and is based on the Model Music Curriculum.
Key Stage 1 and 2 teachers may choose to base their lessons on the scheme of work found on the ‘Charanga’ website under the ‘Scheme’ tab and ‘English Model Music Curriculum’. The scheme supports all the requirements of the National Curriculum.
Charanga lessons will follow a 2 year rolling programme as follows:
Cycle A Y1, Y3, Y5 Units *2022-2023
Cycle B Y2, Y4, Y6 Units *2023 -2024
Key Stage 1:
Teachers may also choose to use the ‘Recorder World’ package which can be found under the ‘Yumu’ tab in Charanga to aid with playing skills. Teachers will need to use other resources such as the ‘English Model Music Curriculum’ or resources of their choice to ensure all skills outlined in the Music Skills Progression document are covered.
Musical skills are further supplemented and applied through singing assemblies and Key Stage productions.
Children will learn musical skills alongside the learning of tuned/ untuned instruments:
Reception Claves
Key Stage 1 Recorder
Lower KS2 Glockenspiel
Upper KS2 Keyboard