How do we identify a child with SEND and how do we assess their needs?
At Grosvenor Park School, we recognise that children make progress at different rates and not always in a steady, linear pattern. Therefore, children are identified as having SEND in a variety of ways, including the following:
- Liaison with previous settings such as pre-schools, nurseries or previous school
- The pupil is performing significantly below the expected levels
- Concerns raised by parent/carer
- Liaison with external agencies eg educational psychologists, paediatricians, occupational therapists/Physiotherapists.
- Concerns raised by a teacher
At Grosvenor Park, we believe early identification is vital. The school uses appropriate screening and assessment tools from both in-school resources and, where needed, outside agency support. By gaining accurate and informative assessments, the school can gain an understanding of the child’s needs, which enables the planning and delivery of effective interventions.
If you, as a parent/carer, have concerns regarding your child’s progress, then you should make an appointment to see the class teacher along with the school’s special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO).
Once any concerns are raised about a child the teacher and SENCO will start to use the school's "SEN pathway" to decide appropriate next step.